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Chapter 12

I believe the last sentence in the chapter was a critical point mentioned by the author.  Teachers will be equipped to lanuch the process of change in their classrooms only when they look at themselves as digital immigrants and understand that their students are the ones who are digital natives.  I know for some teachers, “change” is something very hard to do because they are so used to what they have been doing for a long time.  But teachers and all educators must realize the need for change because technology is impacting everything we do.  Teachers must embrace technology and integrate it into our teachings and schools.  Today’s student desires and needs technology, and it is a teacher’s responsibility to find the best and meaningful approached to teachings their students.  There are many resources on the internet that are interactive and will help engage students into their learning experience.  The aim for teachers to use technology is to enhance their teaching methods to provide a richer academic experience for students.  Technology provides many different avenues for teachers to use so that students are able to make connections to what they are learning.

About d0ughb0y


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